Journal 7 - Ch. 16-17

 Reflecting on this week's reading, what compelled me the most was the work of Jan Tschichold, son of a designer and sign painter from Leipzig, Germany. 

Jan Tschichold
"Elementare Typographie"

Jan Tschichold

The work of Tschichold to me is versatile and aesthetically pleasing. What I appreciate most about his work is how he dares to experiment with different layouts. The way he layers his imagery and typography to create an overall piece that is balanced inspires me to experiment with my own projects as well.

Jan Tschichold
Die Hose (The Trousers)

Jan Tschichold
Der Berufsphotograph (The Professional Photographer)

One of my favorite pieces of his showcased in chapter 16 is his exhibition poster for Der Berufsphotograph (The Professional Photographer). His use of a photographic negative definitely sets the tone for the overall piece and his utilization of a rainbow gradient for the color of the title is a very bold choice that works as the center piece of the poster.

Overall, learning about Jan Tschichold's work has been inspiring for someone like me aspiring to become a graphic designer. 
